
Children's Services

safe, stimulating, nurturing and responsive Care

All of our childcare services welcome the opportunity to serve children with diverse and supported care needs. While each program offers care to different age groups, they all offer an environment that is safe, stimulating, nurturing and responsive to every child. At The Cridge Centre for the Family, you will also discover devoted care within a Christian environment.

The Cridge Childcare Centre comprises 16,400 square feet of space built on three levels and connects to a series of playgrounds built for adventure and exploration surrounded by a Garry Oak Meadow. In total, our childcare programs accommodate more than 180 children. In 2009, The Cridge Childcare Centre received the BC Childcare Legacy Award for 40 years of service to the community.

Our Nature Preschool is accepting applications

Join our outdoor crew! Our half-day Nature Preschool has spots available. Register your 3-5 year old for childcare Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm. Register now.

our partners
Queen Alexandra Foundation

our Waitlist for day care & school age care is full 

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