Get Involved
How you can help
Getting involved at The Cridge Centre for the Family is like joining a family – there are many ways to help out and many people to get to know. When you get involved, you become part of our efforts to grow a stronger community, and make it possible for us to provide services to so many people in Greater Victoria.
The Canada Revenue Agency has eliminated taxes payable by Canadians who donate appreciated securities (including stocks, bonds and mutual funds) directly to a registered charity. If you own publicly-traded securities that have increased in value and you decide to transfer them, none of the capital gain is taxable and you will receive a tax receipt for the value of the shares at the close of business on the day they are received into The Cridge Centre’s brokerage account. Securities are equally appreciated whether given today or through a planned gift such as a bequest.
Donating stocks, bonds, and other securities to The Cridge Centre for the Family is easy. Simply complete our Gifts of Securities form, which includes simple instructions and give it to your broker.
Please contact Joanne Linka at (250) 995-6419 or by email at if you have any questions.
Funds are frequently donated to create an endowment (income which is intended to be used to support any priority established by The Cridge Centre or by the donor). There are four endowments in place at The Cridge Centre at the present time; a list of these is available upon request from the Manager of Communication and Fund Development at
To establish a new endowment, a gift of $10,000 or more is suggested.
A planned gift is any charitable gift that is made with planning and forethought about the benefits to the charity and the financial advantages to the donor. Some, but not all planned gifts are deferred; when the commitment is made now, but the funds are not available until some time in the future. Over the past few years, the Canadian government has introduced significant tax incentives for giving planned gifts. The donation limit for charitable tax credit has recently been increased from 75 per cent to 100 per cent of net income in the year of death – making a charitable will one of the only ways to reduce estate taxes.
Remembering The Cridge Centre for the Family in your will is one of the simplest ways to ensure your continued support of our work with families. A bequest may be used to assist areas most in need, may be directed to a service or program of your choice, or may be left as an endowment. A provision in your will should be discussed with your lawyer.
Should you decide to leave a gift to The Cridge Centre for the Family in your will, please let us know. We would like to be able to express our appreciation for your commitment and support. Your gift intention will be held in strictest confidence.
For your assistance, we have provided a number of sample will clauses: Sample Will Clause Language.
In times of loss or on the commemoration of an important life milestone, such as an anniversary, graduation or birthday, you or your family may request tribute or memorial donations be made to support the work of The Cridge Centre for the Family. Upon receipt of such gifts, we will send a charity receipt to the donor and an acknowledgement to the bereaved family or honouree recognizing the donor.
Family life is everyone’s concern. More and more companies are actively encouraging their employees, past and present, to support family-oriented charities by offering an incentive to match their gifts to an eligible institution on a one-to-one basis, and in some instances on a two-to-one basis.
Check with your company’s Human Resources Department to determine its matching guidelines. In most cases companies require a form be filled out by the employee to accompany his or her gift. Upon receipt of your donation The Cridge Centre completes the form and returns it to the company. If the donation qualifies for a matching gift from your employer, a cheque is mailed to The Cridge Centre and the gift is applied to the same area as designated by your original donation.
If your heart is touched by one particular aspect of our work, you may wish to specify that your contribution be directed accordingly. We will be pleased to direct your gift in accordance with the terms of our Stewardship Policy.
Our Stewardship Policy states:
“Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by The Cridge Centre for the Family. Each restricted contribution designated toward such an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by The Cridge Centre, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged and receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes.”
Unrestricted cash donations will be used at the discretion of The Cridge Centre for the Family for its highest priority. This is the most frequent (and flexible) type of financial support The Cridge Centre receives.
A “gift-in-kind” is the gift of tangible property that is of value to The Cridge Centre. For gifts of value less than $1,000, The Cridge Centre may issue an immediate charitable tax receipt for the donation’s fair market value if requested. For gifts of value greater than $1,000, special government appraisal guidelines must be followed.
The Cridge Centre for the Family will accept gifts of life insurance where The Cridge Centre for the Family is named as both beneficiary and irrevocable owner of the insurance policy. The donor must agree to pay, before due, any future premium payments owing on the policy
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