- The Cridge Childcare Services“I recommend the Cridge Centre to everyone.” This is how one parent of a busy 4-year old summed up her view of our childcare services. “The centre adds so much to our lives.” Choosing childcare can be a very big decision. All of our childcare services welcome the opportunity to serve children with diverse and supported care needs. While each program offers care to different age groups, they all offer an environment that is safe, stimulating, nurturing and responsive to every child. At the Cridge Centre for the Family you will also discover devoted care within a Christian envionment. **Note: In response to the recent influenza scares, The Cridge Childcare Services has increased the frequency of handwashing (children and staff included) and level of cleaning throughout the centre. Please help us combat illness by using the wall-mounted hand sanitizer as soon as you enter the building. More information on how to keep your family healthy. The Cridge Childcare Services includes programs for: Under 3′s Childcare Three-to-Five Childcare Morning Preschool School Age Care (K – Grade 7) Sunfun Summer Day Camp We also host the wonderful Elizabeth Buckley Elementary School for children with diverse abilities The Cridge Childcare Centre comprises 16,400…
- Infant CareProfessional quality care at a ratio of four children to one caregiver with never less than two caregivers on duty. Building authentic relationships with infants is so important in providing high quality care. At The Cridge Centre Infant Centre caregivers will begin building a respectful relationship with you and your child from the first visit. Responsible for feeding, toiletting, diapering, providing stimulating play, each caregiver is able to document your baby’s development and growth in a way that supports you as a parent. Leaving a baby in group care is a huge decision for you as a parent. There is a true security in knowing that a trained professional, working with a team, and with the resources of a large organization at their disposal are focussing their time, talent, training and energy to provide your infant with specialized and dedicated care. As a parent, you know that the needs of your infant and the speed at which they change is astonishing. Your child’s caregiver is well trained in the stages of infant development and as important as it is for you to feel comfortable with that caregiver, it is equally important that your little one feels that same…
- Day CareDaycare Child Care for Preschoolers Ages Three to Five After more than forty years in the field of group childcare, The Cridge Centre for the Family continues today to offer excellence in the service of meeting your child care needs. Investing time and talent in the social, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of your child is our privilige. When you leave your child in our care, just a few of the things we will concentrate on are self-worth, respect, confidence, happiness, values, skills, manners and knowledge. We want you to have security and peace of mind in knowing that your child’s day is full of adventure, opportunity and joy. We support the inlcusion of all children into our childcare regardless of learning differences. Our environment has been created to foster success for your child and to be inclusive of children with diverse abilities. Our Centre is wheelchair accessible. Our staff provide growth opportunities for children in programming designed to maximize their opportunities for success and to prepare them for Kindergarten and School. Language development, counting, time, the calendar, sign language, the alphabet, science, art, music, dance, sportball are all featured in the course of a year. “Unflagging Optimism That…
- PreschoolPerhaps you don’t need full-time Childcare, but you are wanting your child to have the opportunity to begin to socialize more and to learn the routines that will ensure success in the transition to Kindergarten and School. If so, Preschool is the answer you’ve been looking for. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings OR Tuesday and Thursday mornings, your little one can experience the delight of their own special time and place, created to stimulate and delight their mind, senses and curiosity. The opportunity for teachable moments and the experience of group play will benefit your child in many ways. Additionally, their half-day will be filled with: Personal, Social, Emotional Development Physical Development Exploration of the World Around Us Developing Listening and Speaking Skills Art, Music, Dance If this is just the type of opportunity you’ve been looking for, we welcome your interest. We are very proud of our preschool and our staff, and we think you’ll agree.
- School Age CareNot every parent’s daily schedule fits in with his or her child’s school timetable. If your day starts earlier, or ends later than your child’s day, we can help out! Our School Age Care is an active, stimulating adventure for kids who are going into Kindergarten through grade 7, operating between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm. If you can drop your child at the Cridge Centre, we’ll spend quality time with him or her until school opens, then we’ll make the drive to school (we provide transport to six local elementary schools). At the end of the day, we’ll be there at the school again to drive back to the Centre for an afternoon of fun, with lots of choices. Along with our regular schedule of activities, we offer the chance to join clubs throughout the year! Look for information coming about Art Club at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Swimming Lessons at Crystal Pool, Dance Club with Barefoot Ballerinas and Quilting Club with Sherrie! **Note: In response to the 2009 influenza pandemic, Cridge Childcare Services increased the frequency of handwashing (children and staff included) and level of cleaning throughout the centre. Please help us combat illness by using…
- Summer SunFunIn the summer, the School Age Care Program becomes Sunfun: a summer-long day camp, packed full of exciting experiences. Our staff are young and enthusiastic and really connect with kids of school age. Every spring, they start planning a new summer schedule full of group games, crafts, singing, tours, Bible stories and field trips to community events, beaches and parks on the island. Many kids return year after year and look forward to some of our “traditional” events like The Cridge Olympics, swimming in Lake Cowichan and a multi-night camping trip for the older children. A typical day at Sunfun might look like: Early morning, picking a toy and playing with new friends while kids are arrive at the centre Dividing into small groups for the morning, reading a book together and making an art project based on the story After lunch, driving to Gonzales Beach to build sandcastles, dig for crabs and wade in the ocean Finally, eating a healthy snack and playing on our playground until the childtren are picked up For more information, contact the School Age Care & Sunfun office at (250) 995-6407 or dantonik@cridge.org. Sunfun application forms and policies can be found here
- F.A.Q.
Charity #108079419RR0001
Areas of Service
Select from the links below to visit our various programs
Choosing childcare can be a very big decision. All of our childcare services welcome the opportunity to serve children with diverse and supported care needs. While each program offers care to different age groups, they all offer an environment that is safe, stimulating, nurturing and responsive to every child. At The Cridge Centre for the Family, you will also discover devoted care within a Christian environment.
The Cridge Childcare Services includes programs for:
- Infant Care (6 months up to 3 years)
- Day Care (30 months up to 5 years)
- Nature Preschool (3 to 5 years)
- School-Age Care (K – 12 years old)
- SunFun Summer Day Camp (K – 12 years old)
The Cridge Childcare Centre comprises 16,400 square feet of space built on three levels and connects to a series of playgrounds built for adventure and exploration surrounded by a Garry Oak Meadow. In total, our childcare programs accommodate more than 180 children. In 2009, The Cridge Childcare Centre received the BC Childcare Legacy Award for 40 years of service to the community.
For information on Infant Care, Day Care and Preschool, and volunteer opportunities, contact our admin team at 250-995-6405 or email kreeves@cridge.org or lmartinez@cridge.org; for School Age Care call 250-995-6407; for The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program call Nicole at 250-995-6421.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
Our child care programs at The Cridge Centre for the Family have the philosophy of learning through play and our guiding document is The Early Learning Framework (ELF).
The Early Learning Framework is a document written primarily for educators and others involved in and supporting early learning, with a focus on children from birth to age eight (approximately grade 3). The framework is designed to provide guidance for:
- supporting and enriching children’s early learning experiences
- providing a focal point for conversations between families and educators
- demonstrating how important early learning is for children
If you are interested in learning more about the ELF, the guide for families is a great place to start. Additionally, there is a companion guide to the framework called Play Today.
Why is Play Important?
Mr. Rogers said this about play: “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
We used to believe that it was our job as parents and caregivers to ‘teach’ our children, to provide them with all the answers and to train them to write their names and the ABCs. We now know that the best learning for children takes place during their playtime. They make discoveries about what does and does not work, how to negotiate for a turn, and how to understand the world around them. Our job is to facilitate their play and to provide them opportunities to explore and discover; to give them a chance to ask questions (and then to give them the time to find the answer on their own). “Why did the blocks fall down this time? How do I need to stack them differently?” or “What would happen if I mixed these colours together?” This type of play and these questions form the basis of scientific thinking and the desire for learning, which is a lifelong gift. Children will learn to write their name and count to 1033, don’t sweat it! Give your child time to play and you will be giving them the biggest tool they will ever need. Not only that, it’s a lot of fun!
The Latest From Our Blog
- There’s No Plan B13/03/2024 - 11:23 am
- Why Do I Love My Job?24/01/2024 - 3:57 pm
- 3T+1T=4T18/10/2023 - 12:17 pm
- Planting Seeds of Hope17/05/2023 - 3:06 pm
- Amelia’s Story21/01/2023 - 12:01 am
The Cridge Centre for the Family
1307 Hillside Avenue,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8T 0A2
Tel: 250-384-8058
Fax: 250-384-5267