Crisis of brain injuries points to need for more supports

The Cridge Centre has been a leader in brain injury services in BC for over 30 years, and more recently has provided the only dual-stream service in Canada for women who have experienced a brain injury as a result of intimate partner violence. But the scope of an emerging crisis of brain injury related to […]
Victory Against Coercive Control: MP Laurel Collins’ Bill Moves Forward in Parliament

We are thrilled to see that Victoria MP Laurel Collins has managed to push through a private member’s bill criminalizing coercive control. And with unanimous support in the House of Commons! As this CBC story notes, the bill criminalizes behaviours like attempting to control an intimate partner’s movements, where they work, money and property. MP […]
There’s No Plan B

Private donations have made it possible for The Cridge Centre for the Family to lead the nation in providing housing and support services for women who have experienced a brain injury from intimate partner violence. We’re doing work that has never been done before. That’s a rare and wonderful thing. But there’s one downside to […]
Why Do I Love My Job?

A lot of people dread going to work. They live for the weekend and then fall into grumpiness at the thought of Monday morning. Generally speaking, I am not one of those people. Of course, there are Sunday afternoons when I wish I had another day off, but for the most part, I look forward […]

No – this is not a lesson in Algebra (PHEW!). Rather, this is an opportunity for you to think about what Ts you have in your life. Let me explain. When it comes to engaging in community work, we often think in terms of: Time, Talent and Treasure. How can my volunteer time be of […]
Planting Seeds of Hope

Spring is my favourite time of the year! I love watching leaves bud and flowers form and the seeds that I have planted in my garden popping up. So fun to see new life and renewal of the earth! Yesterday I planted some sunflowers – my favourite! Sunflowers are such robust and magnificent beauties – […]
Amelia’s Story

What do you do when you are 16, living in a remote community, and pregnant? The first thing is to go online and start intense searching. That is how Amelia found The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program website. She emailed Nicole, The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Worker, and so began a back-and-forth chain of questions and discussions. […]
Our Cridge Childcare Experience

Being told you are number 19 on the waiting list for childcare is not news any parent wants to hear 6 months before you need it. As panic and oh-my-what-are-we-going-to-do-now set in, a friend suggested we look into The Cridge Centre for the Family, and in September 2013, our son started in the School Age […]
Cyber Seniors Program 2022

Have you heard about the ‘Cyber Seniors’ program before? It was piloted in 2009 in Toronto by two high school students and, since then, has become a movement. What is it about? The program is designed to match a student volunteer with a senior to help them navigate the ever-changing, complex world of technology and […]
A Safe Space

The Cridge Transition House for Women (CTHW) is an emergency shelter for women fleeing violence. We support women in processing the impact that violence had on their lives and help to take the first steps to launch a safer future. Women seeking shelter and support in the transition house often come with children. These children need […]