Why Do I Love My Job?

A lot of people dread going to work. They live for the weekend and then fall into grumpiness at the thought of Monday morning.

Generally speaking, I am not one of those people. Of course, there are Sunday afternoons when I wish I had another day off, but for the most part, I look forward to coming into work.


Firstly, I enjoy the people I work with. There are always good stories to tell, jokes to be shared and challenges to be commiserated over. My colleagues are interesting and passionate people from such a diversity of backgrounds – I am always learning from them. We have great conversations and there is always laughter to share.

Secondly, I see the value of the services provided by The Cridge Centre. I hear about changed lives, children who have been supported, families who are stronger and survivors who have hope. It is infinitely rewarding to be a part of valuable and effective work. I may not be the one who interacts with clients, who hears the stories firsthand and sees the changes, but I DO know that the work that I do contributes to the overall success of the organization. When I come to work, I am not just doing a job, I’m serving a community and providing essential support to our front-line workers.

Thirdly, I love working for an organization whose values are 100% aligned with my own. The Cridge Centre’s values – Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly – speak to my own approach in every aspect of my life. That is how I want to live! Knowing that the organization, programs, staff and board all have the same approach means that we are all walking together, in the same direction.

There are many other perks: furry friends who come to visit, dinosaur costumes, great food, and the list goes on. I am grateful for so many people and opportunities that have entered my life through The Cridge Centre. I LOVE my job!

Joanne Linka

Manager of Communication and Fund Development since 2014

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