Diversity and Acceptance in Children
Submitted by Janelle Breese Biagioni.
Diversity and acceptance are the same for children.
Society, in general, invests a great deal of time and money into educating people (adults) about community inclusion, which is about a person having social interactions and meaningful relationships with people who are not paid staff and that the relationship benefits both parties.
This picture shows two toddlers who are daycare buddies. The little girl approached Atticus, who uses a pacer to walk with, and offered him the doll stroller. When Atticus took the stroller, the little girl went behind him and pushed his walker so he could push the stroller. When some twigs and rocks stopped Atticus from moving, she stopped and stepped to the front clearing the debris and then resumed pushing his pacer and they were off again on their little adventure.
This little girl didn’t worry about being “politically correct” or if she would insult Atticus by taking charge to help him experience the thrill of pushing a doll stroller. In her little heart, she felt, “Atticus is my friend,” and in her mind, she said, “We can do this together.”
As adults, if we strive to emulate the love of children, we can make a stronger community that is inclusive, loving and has no barriers.
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