Brain Injury Series on CBC One

This week, All Points West on CBC Radio One in Victoria is featuring a series of conversations about brain injury. Interviewees include survivors of brain injury, doctors, family members, and professionals working in the field.

Janelle Breese Biagioni, community services coordinator for The Cridge Brain Injury Services, shares her experience of the impact brain injury has on families. Later in the week, Geoff Sing, manager of The Cridge Brain Injury Services will speak on the broader impact on society of brain injuries, and services and support for survivors.

You can listen to  the CBC One podcasts on the All Points West website. Each day's converstations are linked below.

  • Tuesday, January 10 – Conversation with a brain injury survivor (Starts at 6:55 of podcast)
  • Wednesday, January 11 – Dr. Paul Winston from the Neurorehab Clinic at Victoria General Hospital (Starts at beginning of podcast)
  • Thursday, January 12 – Janelle Breese Biagioni, community services coordinator for The Cridge Brain Injury Serivces, speaks about the impact of brain injury on families (Starts at 10:37 of podcast)
  • Friday, January 13 – Geoff Sing, Manager of The Cridge Brain Injury Services, speaks to Jo-Ann Roberts about the link between brain injury and homelessness, and supports in the community to break that link (Starts at 9:34 of the podcast)

How has brain injury impacted your life?