women's services | Brain injury services

Intimate partner violence (IPV) & brain injury (BI)

up to 80% of women who have been in a violent relationship have received at least one brain injury from their partner

According to statistics:

  • 1 in 3 women will experience IPV. Of those women, 92% will receive at least one brain injury from the violent partner (over 200,00 women).

  • For every 1 NHL player who sustains a concussion, over 5,500 women sustain the same injury.

In light of these statistics and a long history of serving both brain injury survivors AND women fleeing IPV, The Cridge Centre works towards a comprehensive framework to focus on this vital issue. 

We believe there are five areas that need to be addressed:

  1. Ongoing RESEARCH and development of a body of knowledge
  2. Direct supportive SERVICES for women impacted by IPV-related BI
  3. TRAINING for professionals and service providers with whom women come into contact (i.e. police, social workers, EMTs, emergency room staff, lawyers, judges etc.)
  4. ADVOCACY at all levels of government and with policymakers
  5. PREVENTION programming for men with emotional dysregulation.

In January 2020, The Cridge Centre for the Family began providing individualized support to women who are survivors of intimate partner violence and have received brain injuries from their partners.

The services provided through this program mirror the community-based brain injury services already available but don’t require a formal diagnosis to access this program. To see an outline of the brain injury community support services, please check out the Brain Injury Services Community Outreach program.

In collaboration with intimate partner violence-based services, the central focus is to provide trauma-informed skills, knowledge and support to women to navigate the challenges associated with brain injury while managing their health and wellness through improved access to health and community supports.

Together with their support worker, women can find healing, stability and hope for the future. The life-changing effects of consistent, non-judgmental, ongoing support cannot be underestimated

our partners
Shoppers Foundation for Women's Health (CNW Group/Shoppers Drug Mart)

Leaving an abusive relationship?  Call 250-479-3963

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